Je suis gâtée pourrie par mes habitudes alimentaires de cet été...
I've been spoiled rotten by my food habits from this summer...
Finis pour moi les yaourts tout préparés du commerce. Ils sont franchement trop sucrés et bourrés d'agents de conservation. Non merci! A défaut de trouver des fraises du Québec en faisant les courses hier, j'ai choisi un sac de framboises non sucrées congelées. Ce sac me permettra de préparer 3 ou 4 contenants de 750g de yaourt aux framboises à la maison, en y ajoutant ou non du sucre (ou du Splenda). Je viens de réduire les calories et le sucre et d'augmenter le yaourt en qualité et en saveur.
No more prepared yogourts for me. They are quite frankly too sweet and full of chemical products to increase their shelf life. No thanks! Since I couldn't find any more fresh strawberries from Quebec, my next best choice settled on whole unsweetened frozen raspberries. With the bag of fruit, I'll be able to prepare 3 or 4-750g containers of yogourt at home and will have the choice of adding or not sugar (or Splenda). I've just cut on the calories and the sugar and built up the flavour and quality of the product.

No more prepared yogourts for me. They are quite frankly too sweet and full of chemical products to increase their shelf life. No thanks! Since I couldn't find any more fresh strawberries from Quebec, my next best choice settled on whole unsweetened frozen raspberries. With the bag of fruit, I'll be able to prepare 3 or 4-750g containers of yogourt at home and will have the choice of adding or not sugar (or Splenda). I've just cut on the calories and the sugar and built up the flavour and quality of the product.

Photo Gato Azul
Et puisque, pour la première fois depuis mon retour de Narraganset, j'avais un moment - et que j'avais de la gelée fraîchement faite à la sauge ananas - j'ai pris un long petit déjeuner et j'ai regardé la lecture que j'avais trouvée là-bas... Bonheur parfait!
And since, for the first time since I've returned from Narraganset, I had a few free minutes - and since I had some freshly made pineapple sage jelly - I took a leisurely breakfast and glanced at the reading material I found over there... Bliss!

And since, for the first time since I've returned from Narraganset, I had a few free minutes - and since I had some freshly made pineapple sage jelly - I took a leisurely breakfast and glanced at the reading material I found over there... Bliss!

Photo Gato Azul
Cette superbe revue trimestrielle de Claire Murray. Minimaliste à souhait mais avec des photos sublimes, des citations choisies, des articles bien écrits sur des sujets intéressants... comme le homard!
This beautiful quarterly magazine by Claire Murray. Minimalist in its conception but with superb photos, thoughtful quotes, interesting articles on amusing subjects like... lobster!

This beautiful quarterly magazine by Claire Murray. Minimalist in its conception but with superb photos, thoughtful quotes, interesting articles on amusing subjects like... lobster!

Photo Gato Azul
Autant ses créations sont riches en détails, autant cette revue est épurée, mais magnifique.
If her woven creations are busy with details, her magazine focuses on the essential and is truly lovely.
If her woven creations are busy with details, her magazine focuses on the essential and is truly lovely.

Photo Gato Azul
Puis le livre de la société de conservation à Newport. Très très joli livre qui en plus de donner des suggestions de menus superbes, selon les circonstances de la fête, avec les recettes qui les composent, fournit une brève description historique des différentes maisons grandioses de la fin du 19e, lorsque les Vanderbilt et leur entourage s'y sont installés. Elvira se demandait quel était l'engouement pour ces reproductions de Versailles et de châteaux à Newport... Mis à part l'intégration de la famille Vanderbilt dans l'aristocratie britannique, c'est à cause d'un architecte formé en France, tout simplement, et aussi à cause de la disponibilité financière permettant à leurs propriétaires de bâtir ces maisons grandioses... La vie à ce temps-là avait une dimension que nous ne retrouvons plus. Vous souvenez-vous du film The Great Gatsby, selon l'oeuvre de Fitzgerald (où Robert Redford était si mignon)? Ce film a été tourné, en grande partie, dans cette demeure nommée The Breakers (les brisants), à Newport au Rhode Island...
Then there is the book from the Preservation Society of Newport County. Very very pretty book that gives suggestions for superb menus, depending on the party, and the recipes as well as historical information on the various great mansions from the end of the 19th century when the Vanderbilts and their entourage made Newport their summer home. Elvira was wondering why there was such a fascination for reproductions of Versailles and other castles in Newport ... Apart from the integration of the Vanderbilt family into the British aristocracy, because of one architect trained in France, quite simply, and also because of the financial means of his clients whereby they could afford to build grandiose mansions... Life at that time had a dimension that has been lost. Do you remember the film The Great Gatsby, from a novel by Fitzgerald (where Robert Redford was so handsome)? That film's shoots were taken, in large part, in the mansion called The Breakers, in Newport, RI...
Then there is the book from the Preservation Society of Newport County. Very very pretty book that gives suggestions for superb menus, depending on the party, and the recipes as well as historical information on the various great mansions from the end of the 19th century when the Vanderbilts and their entourage made Newport their summer home. Elvira was wondering why there was such a fascination for reproductions of Versailles and other castles in Newport ... Apart from the integration of the Vanderbilt family into the British aristocracy, because of one architect trained in France, quite simply, and also because of the financial means of his clients whereby they could afford to build grandiose mansions... Life at that time had a dimension that has been lost. Do you remember the film The Great Gatsby, from a novel by Fitzgerald (where Robert Redford was so handsome)? That film's shoots were taken, in large part, in the mansion called The Breakers, in Newport, RI...
Ces demeures ont été reprises par la Preservation Society of Newport County et sont maintenant, pour la plupart, des musées. Certaines sont encore habitées en partie par les descendants de ces familles du Gilded Age (âge d'or) des États-Unis... Pour vous mettre dans le ton, voici Charles Trenet qui chante Que reste-t-il de nos amours pendant que défilent des images de ce film (Oups! Le vidéo a été retiré de YouTube!)... En voici un autre...
The mansions were taken over by the Preservation Society of Newport County and are now, for the most part, museums. Some are still partly inhabited by the descendants of the families that made up the Gilded Age in the United States... Just to put you in context, here's Charles Trenet singing Que reste-t-il de nos amours on images from the film.. (Oops... the video disappeared from YouTube!)... Here's another one...
The mansions were taken over by the Preservation Society of Newport County and are now, for the most part, museums. Some are still partly inhabited by the descendants of the families that made up the Gilded Age in the United States... Just to put you in context, here's Charles Trenet singing Que reste-t-il de nos amours on images from the film.. (Oops... the video disappeared from YouTube!)... Here's another one...
Mais Newport n'a pas toujours été synonyme avec le Gilded Age. C'était un port de mer très actif en Amérique et les maisons des capitaines sont préservées par l'État, même si elles sont habitées par des particuliers. Le propriétaire de celle-ci qui date de 1729, par exemple, est gentiment venu m'en parler, disant qu'il n'y a pas si longtemps, l'océan se rendait jusque dernière sa propriété jusqu'à ce que les rives du port soient reprises à la mer pour construire la rue commerciale qui longe le port.
But Newport was not always synonymous with the Gilded Age. It was a very active seaport in America and the captains' houses are preserved by the State, even if they are inhabited by real-life people. The owner of this one, which dates from 1729, for example, kindly came out to chat with me, saying that not so long ago the ocean started just behind his property until the sea was recaptured to build the commercial street along the port.
But Newport was not always synonymous with the Gilded Age. It was a very active seaport in America and the captains' houses are preserved by the State, even if they are inhabited by real-life people. The owner of this one, which dates from 1729, for example, kindly came out to chat with me, saying that not so long ago the ocean started just behind his property until the sea was recaptured to build the commercial street along the port.
Trève de blabla... Après les courses d'hier, j'ai un peu de popote à faire avec le rôti de boeuf, la courge Acorn (courge poivrée), les canneberges (cranberries) et ces savoureux épinards. Et puis, il fait si beau dehors!
Enough chit chat... After yesterday's market, I have a bit of kitchen duty to do with the roast beef, the acorn squash, the cranberries and those delicious spinach leaves. And then, the weather is just too beautiful!
Enough chit chat... After yesterday's market, I have a bit of kitchen duty to do with the roast beef, the acorn squash, the cranberries and those delicious spinach leaves. And then, the weather is just too beautiful!
3 commentaires:
C'est vrai que les yogourts aromatisés du commerce sont dégueux!
Je ne suis plus capable d'en manger, ça me répugne totalement.
Ta version, par contre, me tente beaucoup ! ;)
Je suis comme toi pour les produits transformés du commerce, de plus en plus! et puis merci de ton article, il me permet de constater que les maisons de bois durent des siècles, ce qui va rassurer mon incrédule (oui, encore) entourage...
Tu as raison. Les yoghourts achetés dans le commerce sont souvent trop sucrés et pas toujours bons...
Merci pour ces belles photos et ces informations!
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