Some of our French friends are Cranberry addicted and others not at all. I don't think that cranberries can be an acquired taste. If, by ill luck, you fall on some fruit that are more bitter than sweet, you'll be surprised, stunned, incredulous that anyone could like them or even be mad about them. But not all cranberries are equal. Some are more openly bitter and then some are truly sweet with an underlying hint of bitterness. One could compare cranberries to Baroque music where there is a tone, a baseline, under which one is assured that the composition will never go, like a safety net in a way. Knowing where this baseline is, one can just relax and enjoy the ride. Woe be to those who fall on the truly bitter fruit since they'll never know the sweetness that this berry can yield. In simpler terms, when you buy your cranberries, choose them ripe...
We're up to our necks in snow! And since the freezer has to be emptied from time to time, I decided to make a cranberry upside down cake.
Since cranberries are like genuine red precious stones and that baking a cake is an event in my kitchen, I used my prettiest moulds. There will be some cranberry upside down cupcakes and a cranberry upside down bundt cake.

adapté de / adapted from Martha Stewart
- 12 c. à s. de beurre doux mou et davantage pour graisser le moule | 12 tbs of unsalted butter, softened, and more to grease the mould
- 3/4 tasse de farine et davantage pour enfariner le moule | 3/4 cup flour, plus more for the pan
- 2 3/4 tasse de canneberges fraîches ou décongelées | 2 3/4 cups of cranberries, fresh or thawed
- 1/2 tasse de sirop d'érable pur | 1/2 cup of pure maple sirup
- 2 c. à thé de cannelle | 2 tsp of cinnamon
- 1/3 tasse de farine de maïs | 1/3 cup of coarse cornmeal
- 1 c. à thé de poudre à pâte | 1 tsp of baking powder
- 1/4 c. à thé de sel | 1/4 tsp of salt
- 1/4 tasse de pâte d'amandes | 1/4 cup of almond paste
- 3/4 tasse plus 2 c. à table de sucre blanc | 3/4 cup plus 2 tbs of granulated sugar
- 3 gros oeufs, séparés | 3 large eggs, separated
- 1/4 c. à thé d'extrait de vanille | 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract
- 1/2 tasse de lait | 1/2 cup milk
- 1 c. à table de zeste d'orange | 1 tbs of grated orange peel
Note: I substituted the granulated sugar with maple syrup. To find out how to calculate the amount, read Tuesday's post (click HERE).
- Préchauffer le four à 350 F. Beurrer un moule rond de 8 x 2 pouces. Placer un rond de papier parchemin au fond du moule et beurrer le papier. Enfariner le moule. Dans une grande poêle, faire fondre 6 c. à table de beurre sur feu moyen. Ajouter les canneberges et mélanger pour bien les enduire de beurre, environ 1 minute. | Preheat oven to 350 F. Butter an 8 by 2 inch round cake pan and line the bottom with a round of parchment paper. Butter the parchment and coat the mould with flour, tapping out excess. In a large skillet, heat 6 tbs of butter over medium heat and add the cranberries. Toss to coat, about 1 minute.
- Ajouter le sirop d'érable et 1 c. à thé de cannelle. Cuire, en mélangeant doucement, jusqu'à ce que les canneberges commencent à éclater, environ 1 minutes. Retirer les canneberges en laissant le liquide au fond de la poêle et transférer les fruits dans le moule. Retourner la poêle sur le feu, ajouter le zeste d'orange et chauffer le sirop sur feu moyen jusqu'à ce qu'il épaississe, environ 2 minutes. Verser le sirop sur les canneberges et réserver le moule. | Add maple syrup and 1 tsp of cinnamon to the skillet. Cook, stirring gently, just until the cranberries begin to burst, about 1 minute. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the cranberries to the prepared pan. Return skillet with syrup to medium heat, add the orange zest and simmer until thickened, about 2 minutes. Pour syrup over cranberries and set aside.
- Dans un grand bol, mélanger la farine, la farine de maïs, la poudre à pâte, 1 c. à thé de cannelle et le sel. Mettre de côté. Mettre les 6 c. à table de beurre qui restent dans un autre bol, ajouter la pâte d'amandes émiettée et battre ensemble au malaxeur pour mélanger, environ 30 secondes. | In a large bowl, whisk together flour, cornmeal, baking powder, 1 tsp of cinnamon and salt, set aside. Place remaining 6 tbs of butter in another bowl and add the crumbled almond paste. Beat on medium speed until smooth and combined, about 30 seconds.
- Ajouter graduellement le sucre au mélange de beurre et mélanger au malaxeur pour obtenir un mélange crémeux. Ajouter les jaunes d'oeufs et battre pour bien mélanger. Ajouter la vanille, puis le mélange de farines en 2 additions, en alternant avec le lait. Réserver le mélange. | Gradually add the sugar to the butter mixture and beat until creamy. Add the egg yolks and beat until combined. Beat in vanilla extract. Add flour mixture in 2 batches, alternating with milk. Set batter aside.
- Dans un bol propre, battre les oeufs en mousse. Ajouter graduellement les 2 c. à table de sucre qui restent et continuer à battre pour obtenir une meringue molle. Incorporer le tiers des blancs d'oeufs dans la pâte réservée, puis le reste des blancs d'oeufs. | In a clean bowl, whisk the egg whites until foamy. Gradually add remaining 2 tbs of sugar and beat until soft peaks form. Whisk 1/3 of the egg whites into batter and then fold in the remaining whites.
- Étaler uniformément la pâte sur les canneberges dans le moule et cuire environ 50-60 minutes. Laisser refroidir 20 minutes sur un grillage, puis démouler. Servir tiède. | Spread batter evenly over cranberries in the pan and bake for 50-60 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool 20 minutes. Invert cake onto a serving plate and serve at room temperature.
I had to turn the car around so that the windshield faced the sun, otherwise I could just not have taken the ice away... it was unbelievable frozen. It'll be worse tomorrow since it will be a whopping -32C during the night. Life is strange. I'm starting to find beauty in Winter and Spring will be here tomorrow.