Regardez de près, à droite derrière la petite maison bleue
et cliquer sur l'image pour l'agrandir
Look closely, to the right and just behind the little blue house
and click on the image to enlarge
Encore une bordée de neige hier, une neige mouillée, pesante, glissante, une neige à bonhomme de neige. La tempête des corneilles, enfin? Les tourterelles tristes ont envahi le jardin, comme à chaque printemps. Ce sont d'assez gros oiseaux, et comme je vous l'avais déjà raconté, les tourterelles ont presque complètement disparu du territoire québécois. Ce sont des proies faciles pour l'homme et, semblerait-il, elles sont délicieuses. Je préfère les nourrir à les manger. Je n'ai peut-être pas assez faim?
Another snowfall yesterday, a heavy, wet, slippery snow, perfect for making snowmen. The crows' snowstorm, finally? The mourning doves have come back to the garden, like they do each Spring. Their size is quite large and, as I already wrote on the blog, doves nearly disappeared from the Quebec territory. They are easy prey for man and, apparently, they are delicious. I prefer feeding them than feeding off them. Maybe I'm not hungry enough?
Another snowfall yesterday, a heavy, wet, slippery snow, perfect for making snowmen. The crows' snowstorm, finally? The mourning doves have come back to the garden, like they do each Spring. Their size is quite large and, as I already wrote on the blog, doves nearly disappeared from the Quebec territory. They are easy prey for man and, apparently, they are delicious. I prefer feeding them than feeding off them. Maybe I'm not hungry enough?
3 commentaires:
In front of my home, there's a lamp with the front glass broken out. I could replace it but I enjoy seeing the hen dove make a nest in there each Spring.
Cette tourterelle est si jolie! Thanks for enlightening my day with such a poetic picture...
Elle a l'air si délicate... Avec le blanc et les petites maisons colorés autour, l'ensemble est superbe!
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