photo Gato Azul
Muffins érable et noix -- Maple and Nut Muffins
Ce matin au Seaside, le muffin du jour était à l'érable et aux noix. Le soleil était au rendez-vous après une nuit très froide et venteuse. On aurait dit le Québec...
This morning's muffin at The Seaside was maple and nut. The Sun was back after a very cold and windy night. It was just like home...
This morning's muffin at The Seaside was maple and nut. The Sun was back after a very cold and windy night. It was just like home...
photo Gato Azul
Les Kennebunks -- The Kennebunks

photo Gato Azul

photo Gato Azul
Chez George -- George's Place

photo Gato Azul

photo Gato Azul
photo Gato Azul
Les Kennebunks -- The Kennebunks
Après une première nuit passée à York Beach samedi, dans le Sud de la côte du Maine, un changement d'hôtel s'imposait... la connexion sans fil ne fonctionnait pas dans la chambre. Dommage, la vue était superbe.
After a first night on Saturday at York Beach, on the southern Maine coast, a change was in order. The WI-FI connection was inexistent in the room. Too bad, because the view was superb.
After a first night on Saturday at York Beach, on the southern Maine coast, a change was in order. The WI-FI connection was inexistent in the room. Too bad, because the view was superb.
photo Gato Azul
Depuis ma tendre jeunesse, le bord de mer du Maine pour moi est synonyme avec les Kennebunks. Pourquoi «les» Kennebunks? Parce qu'il y a Kennebunk, à proprement parler, puis Kennebunk Port, et enfin Kennebunk Beach.
Since my youth, the Maine seashore for me is synonymous with the Kennebunks. Why the plural form? Because there's Kennebunk, then Kennebunk Harbor and finally, Kennebunk Beach.
Since my youth, the Maine seashore for me is synonymous with the Kennebunks. Why the plural form? Because there's Kennebunk, then Kennebunk Harbor and finally, Kennebunk Beach.
photo Gato Azul
Chez George -- George's Place
Puis, il y a eu George... Mais oui, George, le Père du Fils, George W. George H. a été élu Président et Kennebunk Port et Kennebunk Beach n'ont plus été les mêmes. Car, voyez-vous, George Père a sa résidence d'été à Kennebunk. Et il y avait des agents secrets (et pas si secrets) partout, les rues étaient bloquées, la circulation infernale. J'ai donc dû trouver d'autres endroits où apprécier l'Atlantique, mais ce n'était pas la même chose.
Then there was George... Yes, yes, George, George W's father. George H. was elected President and Kennebunk Port and Kennebunk Beach just weren't the same anymore. Because, you see, George Senior has his summer residence here in Kennebunk. There were secret (and not so secret) agents everywhere, the streets were blocked, the traffic bedlam. So I just had to find other places to enjoy the Atlantic Ocean, but it just wasn't the same.
Then there was George... Yes, yes, George, George W's father. George H. was elected President and Kennebunk Port and Kennebunk Beach just weren't the same anymore. Because, you see, George Senior has his summer residence here in Kennebunk. There were secret (and not so secret) agents everywhere, the streets were blocked, the traffic bedlam. So I just had to find other places to enjoy the Atlantic Ocean, but it just wasn't the same.
photo Gato Azul
Bien des années ont passé depuis ce temps et peut-être les touristes avaient-ils repris possession de ce petit village en front de mer? Qui risque rien, n'a rien et j'ai bien fait de tenter la chance car, en bout de compte, Kennebunk semble appartenir une fois de plus aux touristes.
Many years have passed since that time and perhaps tourists had reclaimed possession of this small seaside village? Nothing ventured, nothing gained and, all in all it was a good thing I tried since it seems as though tourists are free to roam Kennebunk once more.
Many years have passed since that time and perhaps tourists had reclaimed possession of this small seaside village? Nothing ventured, nothing gained and, all in all it was a good thing I tried since it seems as though tourists are free to roam Kennebunk once more.
photo Gato Azul
Mais que mange-t-on à Kennebunk? Du homard, bien entendu. Les lobster rolls, le ragoût de homard, tout ça c'est bien beau mais rien ne bat l'original, le vrai, le homard bouilli et, tant qu'à faire, aussi bien aller chez les experts.
So what does one eat in Kennebunk? Lobster, of course. Lobster rolls, lobster stew, all that is fine and dandy but nothing beats the real thing, the one and only boiled lobster and one might as well go to the experts.
So what does one eat in Kennebunk? Lobster, of course. Lobster rolls, lobster stew, all that is fine and dandy but nothing beats the real thing, the one and only boiled lobster and one might as well go to the experts.
photo Gato Azul
Homard, mayonnaise, chips et coke zero (oui, oui, je sais... un Pouilly-Fuissé serait plus civilisé mais, à la guerre comme à la guerre).
Lobster, mayonnaise, chips and coke zero (yes, yes, I know... a Pouilly-Fuissé would be better but you gotta do what you gotta do).
Lobster, mayonnaise, chips and coke zero (yes, yes, I know... a Pouilly-Fuissé would be better but you gotta do what you gotta do).
photo Gato Azul
Le long de la côte, à Kennebunk, en front de mer sur Ocean Avenue, il y a un sentier qui se nomme Parson's Way. Tout le long, des bancs sont installés pour qu'on s'y arrête, gracieuseté de généreux donateurs. Celui-ci fera l'affaire pour le lunch.
All along the coastline at Kennebunk, on Ocean Avenue, there's a path called Parson's Way. There are benches here and there, generously donated by benefactors. This one will be perfect for lunch.
All along the coastline at Kennebunk, on Ocean Avenue, there's a path called Parson's Way. There are benches here and there, generously donated by benefactors. This one will be perfect for lunch.
photo Gato Azul
La vue est unique... et l'achalandage assuré.
The view is unique... and there are lots of comings and goings.

photo Gato Azul
The view is unique... and there are lots of comings and goings.
photo Gato Azul
Le pique-nique est déballé, c'est une femelle! Un bonus, car il y a le corail!
Picnic is unwrapped... It's a she! A bonus, because you get the coral!
Picnic is unwrapped... It's a she! A bonus, because you get the coral!
3 commentaires:
Le rêve éveillé continue :-)) Tes photos sont encore et toujours une invitation au voyage et je craque complètement pour le repas "tout simple" du lunch !! du homard, ben voyons ! Je prends l'avion, j'arrive (je me vois mal traverser l'Atlantique à la nage !!)
Le rêve! Un endroit où il fait bon se relaxer!
Quand j'ai vu ton titre, j'ai pensé à George Clooney :-)))))) Ben wouiiii on ne se refait pas ;-)))) Tes photos sont réellement superbes ! Merci de partager de si beaux moments avec nous !
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