Sans ombre, la lumière est moins lumineuse.
Without shadow, light is less luminous.
Non seulement les pavots me sourient, mais les abeilles me regardent! Allez... regardez ses deux petits yeux ronds...
Not only do the poppies smile at me, but the bees look at me too! Look... look at its two small round eyes...
Not only do the poppies smile at me, but the bees look at me too! Look... look at its two small round eyes...
Vous l'aurez remarqué, je suis de plus en plus éprise de photographie. Il me faudra une lentille macro, je pense.
You'll have noticed, I'm getting more and more enamored with photography. I think I need a macro lens.
You'll have noticed, I'm getting more and more enamored with photography. I think I need a macro lens.
Encore le jeu de l'ombre et de la lumière.
Again the play between shadow and light.
La lumière incommode Feliz lorsqu'il dort. J'ai pris cette photo hier matin vers 5 h, alors que je continuais mon marathon de traduction (24 heures en file, quand même, sans dormir).
Feliz is incommodated by the light when he sleeps. I took this picture yesterday morning around 5 a.m. while I was in the heart of my translation marathon (24 hours non stop without sleeping).
Feliz is incommodated by the light when he sleeps. I took this picture yesterday morning around 5 a.m. while I was in the heart of my translation marathon (24 hours non stop without sleeping).
2 commentaires:
J'adore ton monde... Quelles couleurs!
Rosa, si j'avais un prix à attribuer à la personne qui a le plus de «grâce» dans la culinosphère, il te serait attribuée. Je te suis au fil des commentaires que tu fais ici et là. Tu es un rayon de soleil! Bises, Louise
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