lundi 9 juin 2008

Sous attaque aérienne! --- Air Attack!

photo Gato Azul

Ont-ils le droit???? Ont-ils le droit, ces chasseurs, de voler à si basse altitude? Ont-ils le droit de survoler à maintes reprises le même endroit???? Au moins 5 fois, aller-retour au-dessus du lac! Le chat, sensible aux bruits, s'est enfui dans la maison... Écoutez, plutôt...
Do they have the right??? Are they allowed, those fighter planes, to fly so low? Do they have the right to fly over the same area many times???? At least 5 times, back and forth, over the lake! The cat who is sensitive to noise, ran into the house to hide... Listen...

video Gato Azul

Un bruit d'enfer!
Deafening noise!

photo Gato Azul

Qui ils sont, pourquoi ils y étaient... je ne saurai probablement jamais. Mais le sentiment qui m'habite est un énervement profond. Imaginez les gens qui vivent dans des zones de guerre. C'est à frémir!
Who they were, why they were there... I'll probably never know. But the feeling of profound unrest prevails. Imagine people living in war zones. It's frightful!

2 commentaires:

Peter M a dit...

Be contented that we live in a peaceful part of the world and we have some semblance of a defence.

In Greece, jets will fly low-low-low...air force exercises...give me a thrill, actually.

Gracianne a dit...

I tend to agree with Peter. In times of peace they are quite beautiful to look at.