J'aime le bleu. JP (Lugar Olhar Feliz) faisait l'éloge du bleu en parlant d'Yves St-Laurent l'autre jour. J'aime le bleu, le bleu souvent discret comme cette simple pensée. On ne s'arrête pas souvent pour admirer sa beauté. On est davantage attirés par le flamboyant, le spectaculaire, en passant souvent à côté des valeurs sûres. Oh, ce n'est pas dire que, de temps à autre, je ne serai pas attirée par le rouge, mais pas n'importe quel rouge. Un rouge franc, un rouge avec un soupçon imperceptible de bleu... pas de jaune, ça m'agresse. Eh oui, je me sens brusquée par ces rouges criards teintés de jaune. Je n'aime pas la couleur orange. C'est comme ça... des goûts et des couleurs...
I like the color blue. JP (Lugar Olhar Feliz) wrote eloquently about blue while remembering Yves St-Laurent the other day. I like blue, often discreet like this pansy. We hardly ever stop to admire its beauty. We are more easily attracted by the flamboyant, the spectacular, while often missing sure things. Oh, it's not to say that I'm not, from time to time, attracted to the color red, but not just any red. A true red, a red with an imperceptible hint of blue... not yellow, I find it agressive. Oh yes, I feel agressed by those blatant reds tinted with yellow. I just don't like the color orange. That's the way it is... des goûts et des couleurs, on ne discute pas...
I like the color blue. JP (Lugar Olhar Feliz) wrote eloquently about blue while remembering Yves St-Laurent the other day. I like blue, often discreet like this pansy. We hardly ever stop to admire its beauty. We are more easily attracted by the flamboyant, the spectacular, while often missing sure things. Oh, it's not to say that I'm not, from time to time, attracted to the color red, but not just any red. A true red, a red with an imperceptible hint of blue... not yellow, I find it agressive. Oh yes, I feel agressed by those blatant reds tinted with yellow. I just don't like the color orange. That's the way it is... des goûts et des couleurs, on ne discute pas...
Une autre valeur sûre, pour moi l'été, c'est un thé glacé. On commence par infuser un thé de bonne qualité, celui qu'on aime, tout autant du thé blanc, que du thé vert, ou du Earl Grey. On y ajoute quelques clous de girofle (étonnant, non? une astuce apprise des Shakers et ils connaissaient les bonnes choses, croyez-moi). Puis de la menthe fraîchement cueillie au jardin ou dans la jardinière...
Another sure thing for me in summer is iced tea. You start by brewing some good quality tea, the one you prefer, white or green or Earl Grey. You add a few cloves (surprising, non? it's an idea I picked up from the Shakers and, believe me, they have good taste). Then some freshly picked mint in the garden or in the planter...
Another sure thing for me in summer is iced tea. You start by brewing some good quality tea, the one you prefer, white or green or Earl Grey. You add a few cloves (surprising, non? it's an idea I picked up from the Shakers and, believe me, they have good taste). Then some freshly picked mint in the garden or in the planter...
On met au frigo jusqu'au moment de servir. On ne sucre pas... on laisse aux autres le soin de le faire eux-mêmes, à leur goût. On sert sur des glaçons qui emprisonnent des framboises, ou des fraises, ou des myrtilles... ou... ou...
Let the tea sit in the fridge until you serve it. Don't add sugar... let each and every one sugar to taste. Serve on ice cubes in which a raspberry, or a strawberry, or a blueberry, or... , has been frozen...
Let the tea sit in the fridge until you serve it. Don't add sugar... let each and every one sugar to taste. Serve on ice cubes in which a raspberry, or a strawberry, or a blueberry, or... , has been frozen...
Tout simple, tout bon, l'air de rien, mais une valeur sûre. Regardez le rouge de la framboise... un rouge franc, légèrement, imperceptiblement teinté de bleu.
Simplicity itself, but oh so delicious. A sure thing. Look at the raspberry's red color... a true red, with an imperceptible hint of blue.
2 commentaires:
That tea sounds delicious. I love the extra touch of adding ice with frozen raspberries inside...
Nature has the most beautiful colors! Love the tea pictures. It looks so good!
Life on Bonnie Lane
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