Une petite visite au jardin s'imposait après les rafales violentes d'hier. Ce matin, l'air est presque frais, un petit matin d'été idéal... Ce que j'y ai vu m'a ravie.
I just had to go out into the garden to survey the damages from yesterday's storm. This morning, the temperature is nearly fresh, an ideal summer's morning... What I found there was delightful.
I just had to go out into the garden to survey the damages from yesterday's storm. This morning, the temperature is nearly fresh, an ideal summer's morning... What I found there was delightful.
Les photos ne sont pas retouchées... La saturation des couleurs est presqu'insoutenable...
The pictures haven't been retouched... The saturation in the colors is nearly unbearable...
The pictures haven't been retouched... The saturation in the colors is nearly unbearable...
Seul dommage au jardin, vous ne reverrez plus deux des trois mangeoires en forme de maisonnettes l'hiver prochain.
The only damage in the garden. You won't be seeing two of the house-shaped feeders next winter.
The only damage in the garden. You won't be seeing two of the house-shaped feeders next winter.
Il faudra que je répare le carillon Woodstock.
I'll have to do some surgery on the Woodstock windchime.
I'll have to do some surgery on the Woodstock windchime.
Anciennement un pré, le jardin est couvert de ces fleurs de fraises sauvages. Dès que nous tondons la pelouse, elles disparaissent :-(
The lawn used to be a field and it is covered in wild strawberry flowers. Once the lawn is cut, they disappear :-(
The lawn used to be a field and it is covered in wild strawberry flowers. Once the lawn is cut, they disappear :-(
Évidemment, ce qui a attiré mon attention sur le champ... trois pavots éclos. Un rouge avec une touche imperceptible de bleu, JP. Nous aurons des pavots pour la tombe de Papa et la fête des pères.
Of course, what attracted my attention right away... three blooming poppies. A red with an imperceptible hint of blue. We'll have poppies for my father's grave on Sunday for Father's Day.
Of course, what attracted my attention right away... three blooming poppies. A red with an imperceptible hint of blue. We'll have poppies for my father's grave on Sunday for Father's Day.
Regardez-moi la taille de ces fleurs (je n'ai pas des mains menues).
Look at the size of those blooms (and I don't have small hands).
Look at the size of those blooms (and I don't have small hands).
La couleur de la fleur est tellement vive que la photo est naturellement sursaturée.
The flower's color is so bright that the picture is naturally oversaturated.
The flower's color is so bright that the picture is naturally oversaturated.
Puis c'est l'odorat qui est sollicité. Des iris anciens (barbus). Leur odeur est sublime!
Then it's the sense of small that is sollicited. Old irises. Their scent is sublime!
Then it's the sense of small that is sollicited. Old irises. Their scent is sublime!
Puis la bonne humeur règne. Les viola tricolor se sont parsemées partout au jardin. Elles me font toujours sourire...
Then good humor jumps in. The johnny-jump-ups have self-seeded everywhere in the garden. I always smile when I see them...
Then good humor jumps in. The johnny-jump-ups have self-seeded everywhere in the garden. I always smile when I see them...
Des bleuets... du Québec ;-P
Are these called Batchelor's Buttons?
Are these called Batchelor's Buttons?
Je croule sous les fleurs de ciboulette! J'en ai trois plants immenses!
I'm drowning in chive blossoms! I have three enormous plants!
I'm drowning in chive blossoms! I have three enormous plants!
Du coin de l'oeil et du bout du nez, j'aperçois le rosa rugosa. Encore une fois, une sursaturation de couleur et l'odeur! Une petite branche de peuplier est tombée sur l'arbuste...
From the corner of the eye and my nose following the scent, I glimpse the rosa rugosa. Here again, supersaturation in the color and the smell! A small poplar branch fell on the bush...
From the corner of the eye and my nose following the scent, I glimpse the rosa rugosa. Here again, supersaturation in the color and the smell! A small poplar branch fell on the bush...
Mon moment préféré au jardin, pour l'odeur incomparable de ces rosiers (si peu remontants). Moment fugace...
My favorite time in the garden because of the incomparable scent of these roses (they hardly bloom again later). Fugitive moment...
My favorite time in the garden because of the incomparable scent of these roses (they hardly bloom again later). Fugitive moment...
Une vue d'ensemble sur un coin du jardin... L'herbe pousse à la qui mieux mieux, l'estragon est monté vertigineusement, les iris ont survécu aux rafales, le rosier explorateur est couvert de boutons, ce sera le festival... De la fenêtre ouverte, une brise transporte des odeurs incroyablement suaves et je n'ai pas pu résister à la tentation de cueillir une rose...
An overall view of a small part of the garden... The grass is growing like crazy, the tarragon is towering, the irises have survived the wind gusts, the Explorer rosebush is covered in rosebuds, a festival is announced... From the open window, suave odors waft in on the breeze and I couldn't resist picking just one rose...
An overall view of a small part of the garden... The grass is growing like crazy, the tarragon is towering, the irises have survived the wind gusts, the Explorer rosebush is covered in rosebuds, a festival is announced... From the open window, suave odors waft in on the breeze and I couldn't resist picking just one rose...
3 commentaires:
Merci pour cette belle promenade! les couleurs sont d'une fraîcheur... J'aime ce moment plus que tout.
Les fleurs de ciboulette à mélanger aux salades, il y a de quoi faire...
On imaginerait presque des petites fées perchées sur les tiges de tes fleurs :)
Alors, as-tu passé la nuit sur ce texte. De toute évidence, cepersonnage ignore ce qu'on entend par indice de brouillard!
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