On dit qu'une image vaut mille mots... Des yeux qui semblent dire «Ben quoi?», caché derrière le coussin, bien au chaud...
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words... Eyes that seem to say «What?», well hidden behind the cushion, all snug and warm...
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words... Eyes that seem to say «What?», well hidden behind the cushion, all snug and warm...
Après les ripailles, c'est le retour à l'ordinaire. Le yaourt maison aux fruits rouges, la tartine de beurre d'arachides et les deux lichettes de sucré... la soupe aux légumes et au riz... le grilled cheese pour le lunch... tandis qu'ailleurs, au monde...
After the end of the year feasts, it's back to normal. Homemade berry yoghurt, peanut butter on toast and a few licks of sweet jam or butter... Grilled cheese for lunch... While elsewhere, in the world...
After the end of the year feasts, it's back to normal. Homemade berry yoghurt, peanut butter on toast and a few licks of sweet jam or butter... Grilled cheese for lunch... While elsewhere, in the world...
Allez voir chez Brigitte... vous pouvez manifester votre indignation... CLICK
Go to Brigitte's website... You can express your indigation... CLICK
1 commentaire:
Oui, c'est bien triste!
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