J'aime les textiles aux formes géométriques dont la symbolique remonte dans la nuit des temps et dont nous saisissons le message, sans même en être conscients. J'aime les textures des tissus faits à la main, brodés, ornés de petites perles qui capturent la moindre lueur. Leur éclat et la sensation sur le bout des doigts quand on les effleure.
I love textiles with geometric forms whose symbolism goes back to the origins of time and whose message we understand, without even being aware of it. I love the texture of handwrought textiles, embroidered, with little glass pearls that capture the faintest flash of light. Their shimmer and the feeling under my fingertips as I run my hand over them.

I love textiles with geometric forms whose symbolism goes back to the origins of time and whose message we understand, without even being aware of it. I love the texture of handwrought textiles, embroidered, with little glass pearls that capture the faintest flash of light. Their shimmer and the feeling under my fingertips as I run my hand over them.

Photo Gato Azul
Et j'aime le yaourt, comme celui-ci, déguisé en verrine, alternant compote rosée de pommes McIntosh et yaourt vanillé, saupoudré de quelques miettes de noix pralinées. Peter, du blog Kalofagas, nous donne la recette de sa mère pour faire du yaourt à la grecque, sans yaourtière... Une vraie trouvaille!
And I love yoghurt, like this, disguised as dessert, with alternating layers of pink McIntosh apple sauce and vanilla yoghurt, with a dusting of pralined nuts. Peter from Kalofagas, gives us his mother's recipe to make greek yoghurt, without the benefit of a yoghurt maker. What a find!
And I love yoghurt, like this, disguised as dessert, with alternating layers of pink McIntosh apple sauce and vanilla yoghurt, with a dusting of pralined nuts. Peter from Kalofagas, gives us his mother's recipe to make greek yoghurt, without the benefit of a yoghurt maker. What a find!

Photo Gato Azul
Je suis sensible aux textiles, sans doute parce que je brode et il m'arrive d'intégrer ces petites perles colorées et transparentes dans mes broderies. Et j'aime aussi me servir de fils métalliques ou de soie pure, pour leur brillant.
I respond to textiles, no doubt because I embroider and I sometimes incorporate those small coloured translucent pearls into my embroideries. And I also like to use metallic threads or pure silk floss, for the sheer sheen of them.
I respond to textiles, no doubt because I embroider and I sometimes incorporate those small coloured translucent pearls into my embroideries. And I also like to use metallic threads or pure silk floss, for the sheer sheen of them.

Photo Gato Azul
Avouez que tout ce scintillement est fascinant, comme la fascination que nous ressentons dans une église sombre où la lumière traverse les fragments colorés des vitraux.
You've got to admit that all that shimmering is fascinating, like the fascination we feel in a dark church where the light dances through the coloured pieces of glass in the windows.
You've got to admit that all that shimmering is fascinating, like the fascination we feel in a dark church where the light dances through the coloured pieces of glass in the windows.
3 commentaires:
Gato, it looks like the yogurt turned well!
Enjoy and thanks for the mention,
Dommage que la recette soit en anglais, snif...
Jean Michel, envoyez-moi votre adresse courriel et je vous enverrai une petite traduction
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