Voici quelques suggestions pour la Chandeleur. Dutch Baby ou crêpe allemande. Servie avec sirop d'érable ou avec des fruits (essayez des pommes cuites avec de la canelle, muscade et cassonade, ou des petits fruits frais). Elle est cuite au four, dans une poêle épaisse en fonte. Une véritable trouvaille et vous trouverez la recette ICI.
Here are a few suggestions for Candlemas. A Dutch Baby pancake. Serve it with some maple syrup or with fruit (try apples cooked with a bit of cinnamon, nutmeg and brown sugar, or some berries). It's cooked in the skillet in the oven. A real find and you can find the recipe HERE.
Here are a few suggestions for Candlemas. A Dutch Baby pancake. Serve it with some maple syrup or with fruit (try apples cooked with a bit of cinnamon, nutmeg and brown sugar, or some berries). It's cooked in the skillet in the oven. A real find and you can find the recipe HERE.
Les pancakes américains classiques, aux petits fruits (des bleuets ou des myrtilles, c'est selon). Servies avec des saucisses et du sirop d'érable. Vous trouverez la recette ICI.
Classic american pancakes, with blueberries. Serve with breakfast sausages and maple syrup. You can find the recipe HERE.
Classic american pancakes, with blueberries. Serve with breakfast sausages and maple syrup. You can find the recipe HERE.
Des crêpes fines comme du papier. Vous pouvez les servir avec du sirop d'érable, de la confiture mais vous pouvez aussi faire des pannequets gratinés aux champignons. Y a-t-il une règle immuable que les crêpes soient sucrées pour la Chandeleur? Et puisque la tradition veut qu'elles ne soient pas dégustées avant 20 h, aussi bien en faire votre dîner. Trouvez la recette ICI.
Paper thin crêpes. You can either serve them with maple syrup or jam, or again you can make some savoury pancakes stuffed with mushrooms and covered with melted cheese. Is there an iron-cast rule that Candlemas pancakes have to be sweet? And since tradition specifies that you should'nt eat them before 8 pm, might as well make your dinner with them. Find the recipe HERE.
Paper thin crêpes. You can either serve them with maple syrup or jam, or again you can make some savoury pancakes stuffed with mushrooms and covered with melted cheese. Is there an iron-cast rule that Candlemas pancakes have to be sweet? And since tradition specifies that you should'nt eat them before 8 pm, might as well make your dinner with them. Find the recipe HERE.
4 commentaires:
Mmmmhhh, I am very hungry now! I love pancakes whether they are served the sweet or savory way and can't resist either the European or American versions...
C'est joli Candlemas - Chandeleur aussi d'ailleurs.
Encore une belle occasion gourmande.
Louise, I'm partial to the savory crepes, just love'em as an alternative to a sandwich.
Un délice pour les yeuex ces pancakes!!
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