Poulet aztèque, sauce mole coloradito de Oaxaca
Aztec Chicken With Mole Coloradito Sauce From Oaxaca
Et nous voilà enfin rendus au moment fatidique qui fait passer cette recette dans les rangs des fleurons de la cuisine de la vallée d'Oaxaca, au Mexique, qu'on appelle la Vallée des sept moles (sauces). Oaxaca est le berceau de la culture du maïs, du cacao, des tomates, des pommes de terre, des fèves, des piments, des courges, des citrouilles et de l'élevage de la dinde... Si nous nous régalons de ces produits aujourd'hui, c'est à cause des Zapotèques et des Mixtèques qui ont domestiqué ces aliments... Regardez sur votre table de Réveillon ce soir et il y a fort à parier que beaucoup de ces aliments y figurent.
We now arrive at the point where the finishing touch of this dish places it among the finest that the gastronomy of Oaxaca, in Mexico, has to offer. Oaxaca is called the Valley of the Seven Moles (sauces) and it is the region where corn, cocoa, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, chiles, squash and pumpkin were first domesticated as well as turkeys... If we feast on these produce nowadays, it's because of Oaxaca's inhabitants, the Zapotecs and Mixtecs, who first cultivated them... Look on your party table this evening and there's a good chance that many of these produce are garnishing it.
We now arrive at the point where the finishing touch of this dish places it among the finest that the gastronomy of Oaxaca, in Mexico, has to offer. Oaxaca is called the Valley of the Seven Moles (sauces) and it is the region where corn, cocoa, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, chiles, squash and pumpkin were first domesticated as well as turkeys... If we feast on these produce nowadays, it's because of Oaxaca's inhabitants, the Zapotecs and Mixtecs, who first cultivated them... Look on your party table this evening and there's a good chance that many of these produce are garnishing it.
Pour la finition du mole coloradito, il suffit d'ajouter à la sauce 85 grammes de chocolat du Mexique. Laisser mijoter tout doucement pendant une dizaine de minutes et servir bien chaud, accompagné d'un peu de riz.
The finishing touch to the Mole Coloradito is 3 ounces of chocolate from Mexico. Simmer slowly for another 10 minutes and serve quite hot, with a bit of rice.
The finishing touch to the Mole Coloradito is 3 ounces of chocolate from Mexico. Simmer slowly for another 10 minutes and serve quite hot, with a bit of rice.
Si vous relisez la recette, vous verrez que ce mets ne dépend pas du sel, comme nous le faisons beaucoup trop souvent, pour développer ses saveurs. Il n'en a pas besoin car, tout en étant complexe et relevé, il fait appel à d'autres saveurs que le sel pour satisfaire le palais. Les chiles sont en nuance, il y a un petit rappel piquant sur la langue en fin de bouche mais il est presqu'imperceptible. Le mole coloradito est une véritable découverte pour moi. Autant sa confection fait appel à plusieurs étapes et techniques, autant il satisfait le goût de cuisiner chez qui le prépare. Ce n'est pas le petit repas rapido presto du soir où on est pressée. C'est le repas que l'on prépare quand on prend plaisir à cuisiner. Toutes les descriptions que je pourrais vous faire du goût que peut avoir ce mets ne remplaceront jamais l'expérience d'y goûter, un plaisir que je vous souhaite pour 2008.
If you read the recipe over, you'll notice that the dish does not depend on salt to develop flavour. It doesn't need it because, while it is complex and high in flavour, it plays on other taste sensations than salt to please the palate. The chiles are nearly imperceptible, there's a hint of heat that lingers on the tongue as an aftertaste. Mole Coloradito is a true discovery for me. Its elaboration depends on many steps and techniques, and it satisfies the taste for cooking for the true cook. It's not a fast fix for a busy day's meal. It's a dish you prepare when you love cooking. Any description I might give you of the taste of the dish will not replace the experience of tasting it, a pleasure I wish for you in 2008.
If you read the recipe over, you'll notice that the dish does not depend on salt to develop flavour. It doesn't need it because, while it is complex and high in flavour, it plays on other taste sensations than salt to please the palate. The chiles are nearly imperceptible, there's a hint of heat that lingers on the tongue as an aftertaste. Mole Coloradito is a true discovery for me. Its elaboration depends on many steps and techniques, and it satisfies the taste for cooking for the true cook. It's not a fast fix for a busy day's meal. It's a dish you prepare when you love cooking. Any description I might give you of the taste of the dish will not replace the experience of tasting it, a pleasure I wish for you in 2008.