
photos gato azul
participation au jeu de Florence (click) PETIT DÉJEUNER COMPRIS
oeufs brouillés au saumon fumé et à la ciboulette, yaourt aux fraises et aux mûres, confiture express aux fraises, pain au noix grillé et café au lait
Pour ceux d'entre vous qui me lisez régulièrement, vous aurez peut-être remarqué une trace imperceptible d'un trait de caractère qui pourrait être qualifié de... provocateur. Oh, à peine... ;-P C'est sans doute la raison qui a poussé mon doyen à la fac de droit de me dire «Madame, faites le Barreau». Sachant qu'il était un fin juge de caractère, je me suis dit qu'il me faisait là de la psychologie à rebours. J'ai donc fait le Notariat.
For those of you who read me on a regular basis, it might come as no surprise that I have a quirk in my personality that could be qualified as... provocativeness. Oh, not much... ;-P It's without any doubt the reason why the Dean at the Law Department said to me «Take the Bar exams». Knowing he was a fine judge of character, I thought to myself he was surely doing some reverse psychology. So I took up Notarial Law.
For those of you who read me on a regular basis, it might come as no surprise that I have a quirk in my personality that could be qualified as... provocativeness. Oh, not much... ;-P It's without any doubt the reason why the Dean at the Law Department said to me «Take the Bar exams». Knowing he was a fine judge of character, I thought to myself he was surely doing some reverse psychology. So I took up Notarial Law.
C'est dans cet esprit un tantinet provocateur que je lance le défi suivant à M. Soulard de faire faire des oeufs brouillés qui ont du goût dans ses cuisines. Voici une petite recette bien simple, qui met en valeur un produit bien de chez nous (dois-je vous rappeler que les Amérindiens fumaient le poisson il y a de cela bien longtemps... en 1535, Jacques Cartier relatait qu'ils fumaient leur poisson, tout autant que les viandes, pour le conserver) et qui fait appel au bon goût des herbes fraîches. Rien de tel pour donner du goût à des oeufs brouillés. Et c'est simple comme bonjour. Simplement procéder comme vous le faites habituellement pour vos oeufs brouillés (je ne baignerai pas dans la polémique de «la» méthode à privilégier, là n'est pas mon propos) puis juste avant de servir, ajoutez-y la ciboulette ciselée et le saumon fumé déchiqueté en tout petits morceaux. Le sel et le poivre auront été ajoutés durant la cuisson.
With this provocative bent at play, I'm challenging Mr. Soulard to put some taste in his scrambled eggs. Here's a simple recipe that features a truly local produce (need I remind you that Indians in America smoked fish since many many years... In 1535, Jacques Cartier related that they smoked their fish, as well as their meat, for conservation). The recipe also calls for fresh herbs (ideally produced on your window sill or balcony). Nothing like these ingredients to give some taste to scrambled eggs. And it's a simple recipe. Simply proceed as you usually do for your scrambled eggs (no, I won't get into an argument about the best way to scramble eggs, it's not the point) then just before you plate them, add the snipped chives and torn bits of smoked salmon. Salt and pepper were added while you scrambled the eggs.
With this provocative bent at play, I'm challenging Mr. Soulard to put some taste in his scrambled eggs. Here's a simple recipe that features a truly local produce (need I remind you that Indians in America smoked fish since many many years... In 1535, Jacques Cartier related that they smoked their fish, as well as their meat, for conservation). The recipe also calls for fresh herbs (ideally produced on your window sill or balcony). Nothing like these ingredients to give some taste to scrambled eggs. And it's a simple recipe. Simply proceed as you usually do for your scrambled eggs (no, I won't get into an argument about the best way to scramble eggs, it's not the point) then just before you plate them, add the snipped chives and torn bits of smoked salmon. Salt and pepper were added while you scrambled the eggs.
Pour reprendre la citation si bien connue dans la blogosphère culinaire... Il en faut peu pour être heureux.
It doesn't take much to be happy...
It doesn't take much to be happy...
Une bonne part du bonheur, pour moi, c'est de faire de la vie un art. C'est, je pense, ce qu'on appelle «l'art de vivre». Pour ça, il faut se servir de tous les éléments à notre portée et les «réorganiser». C'est ce que j'ai fait avec les fraises d'automne achetées au marché du vieux port. Elles étaient, pour être tout à fait franche, pas très juteuses.
A good part of happiness, I think, is to make art from life. I guess that's what is meant by the expression «Art de vivre». For that, you have to use what you've got and «reorganize» it. That's what I did with the fall strawberries that were, I have to be frank, not very juicy.
A good part of happiness, I think, is to make art from life. I guess that's what is meant by the expression «Art de vivre». For that, you have to use what you've got and «reorganize» it. That's what I did with the fall strawberries that were, I have to be frank, not very juicy.
Pendant que le café infusait, j'ai équeuté les fraises, je les ai mises dans une casserole, j'y ai ajouté du sucre (à votre discrétion) et de l'eau (pour couvrir le fond et un peu plus) et j'ai porté à ébullition. À peine cinq minutes plus tard, j'avais cette confiture de fraises pour mettre sur les dernières tranches de pain aux noix d'Éric Borderon.
While the coffee was infusing, I took the stems off the strawberries, put them in a saucepan, added some sugar (you decide what quantity you want to add) and some water (enough to cover the bottom of the pan and then some). I brought everything to the boil and five minutes later I had this express strawberry jam to put on the last slices of Éric Borderon's nut bread.
While the coffee was infusing, I took the stems off the strawberries, put them in a saucepan, added some sugar (you decide what quantity you want to add) and some water (enough to cover the bottom of the pan and then some). I brought everything to the boil and five minutes later I had this express strawberry jam to put on the last slices of Éric Borderon's nut bread.
J'avais conservé quelques fraises pour mettre dans le yaourt nature (sucré au Splenda, comme toujours) et j'avais aussi déniché des mûres (produites au Canada). J'ai innové cette fois-ci, inspirée par le lhassi rose de Dorian (click). J'y ai ajouté de l'eau de rose (ah Dorian! tu es un épicurien - et un artiste - dans l'âme!). C'est bon... essayez!
I kept some strawberries to put in my plain yoghurt (sweetened with Splenda, as usual) and I had also found some Canada grown blackberries. I innovated this time since I was inspired by Dorian's lhassi. I added some rose water (Ah! Dorian! You are a true epicurian - and artist - at heart!). It's good... try it!
I kept some strawberries to put in my plain yoghurt (sweetened with Splenda, as usual) and I had also found some Canada grown blackberries. I innovated this time since I was inspired by Dorian's lhassi. I added some rose water (Ah! Dorian! You are a true epicurian - and artist - at heart!). It's good... try it!
Peut-être pas juteuses, mais tout à fait goûteuses. J'ai croqué les dernières entières.
Maybe they weren't juicy, but they were tasty. I ate the last ones whole.
Maybe they weren't juicy, but they were tasty. I ate the last ones whole.
Les matins sont frisquets (et les nuits plus que fraîches). C'est là le signe que la neige ne tardera pas. Il n'est donc pas exclu d'apporter le reste du café au lait pour le savourer sous la couette. Orteils bien au chaud, on dresse la liste des activités de la journée. Pour moi, un peu de traduction, les fichues factures à préparer, puis puisqu'il fait un temps radieux, il faut aller prendre l'air et profiter des derniers jours de beau temps.
Mornings are cool (and nights cold). A sure sign that snow is just around the corner. It's a good idea to bring the rest of the café au lait in bed, under the quilt. Toes toasty warm, you make a list of the day's activities. For me, some translation, those darned invoices to produce, then since it's glorious fall weather, some time taking in the beautifil weather and crisp fall air.
Mornings are cool (and nights cold). A sure sign that snow is just around the corner. It's a good idea to bring the rest of the café au lait in bed, under the quilt. Toes toasty warm, you make a list of the day's activities. For me, some translation, those darned invoices to produce, then since it's glorious fall weather, some time taking in the beautifil weather and crisp fall air.
Des nouvelles de mon filou masqué. Il est revenu à 21h30 hier soir. J'avais mis la poubelle sous une chaise. Il avait sorti la poubelle. J'ai ouvert la lumière. Il m'a regardé avec des yeux ronds (facile à faire quand on est un raton laveur) et il a pris ses jambes à son cou... J'ai rentré la poubelle. J'avais laissé une seule pomme sur la vérandah puisqu'elle était vermoulue. Il s'est résigné à la bouffer. Il mange tout! coeur, queue, pelure et chair. Ne lui dites pas, mais je le trouve adorable.
Some news about my masked bandit. He came back at 9:30 last evening. I had put the garbage can under a chair. He had taken the can out from under it. I opened the light. He looked at me with rounded eyes (easy to do when you're a raccoon) and scurried off... I took the garbage can inside. I had left a solitary apple on the verandah (a worm had tasted it before). So he resigned himself to eating it. He eats everything! Core, peel, flesh. Don't tell him, but I think he's adorable.
Some news about my masked bandit. He came back at 9:30 last evening. I had put the garbage can under a chair. He had taken the can out from under it. I opened the light. He looked at me with rounded eyes (easy to do when you're a raccoon) and scurried off... I took the garbage can inside. I had left a solitary apple on the verandah (a worm had tasted it before). So he resigned himself to eating it. He eats everything! Core, peel, flesh. Don't tell him, but I think he's adorable.
3 commentaires:
Je m'inviterais bien chez toi!.....tout ça avec quelques fraises!....en fait, je comprends ton ami masqué!....mais il doit se contenter de vieille pomme le pauvre!......
Art de vivre et art de mettre son petit déjeuner en valeur, tu sais faire tout ça. Merci pour ta participation!
l'art de vivre! nous avons tous besoin de faire de notre vie de l'art! merci de le montrer par ce joli billet à travers ce délicieux petit-déj.
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